Learn how to add and connect modules, components and services to have the skills necessary to build full-featured production applications.
In this training, you’ll also have a solid foundation for continued learning and the implementation of increasingly sophisticated solutions.
Angular uses the concept of modules heavily as part of the framework’s architecture.
In this training Learn how to add and connect these modules to have the skills necessary to build full-featured production applications.
Your Angular app is essentially made up of modules — some stand alone and some shared.
Among the Skills you'll learn are
Weekdays: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays | Time: 1pm-4pm | One Month
Weekends: 6 Saturdays | Time: 10am-4pm
Learn Angular from the pros. We will introduces you to the essentials of the powerful framework that lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. .
This course provides the required knowledge and skills to design and build apps and solutions for mobile devices, including tablets and smart watches.
Get equilp to become a web developer and start developing database technologies and server- side scripting for a full dynamic web site.