Our web design certificate program combines arts and technology, providing students with a background in web design concepts, coding languages, and best practices, and the ability to navigate the real-world applications with readiness for employment.
Learn Web design course to emerge as a professional web designer. Our web design classes is based on theory and practicals as per real-time standards. Our trainers are professional web designers with vast experience in website design. We conduct both One-One Training and Group Training based on client's demand.
Start your career in Web development with the basic front-end technology.
You will learn
HTML5, CSS , JavaScript, Introduction to JQuery, WordPress, Introduction to Web Graphics Tools
Weekdays: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays | Time: 9am-2pm | One Month
Weekends: 6 Saturdays | Time: 10am-4pm
Get equilp to become a web developer and start developing database technologies and server- side scripting for a full dynamic web site.
This course provides the required knowledge and skills to design and build apps and solutions for mobile devices, including tablets and smart watches.
Learn how to build, deploy and scale programs in Python as this training that covers everything from the fundamentals to deep-dive development.