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Certificate in Website Design

₦ 45,000.00₦ 35,000.00

Our web design certificate program combines arts and technology, providing students with a background in web design concepts, coding languages, and best practices, and the ability to navigate the real-world applications with readiness for employment.

Course Description

Learn Web design course to emerge as a professional web designer. Our web design classes is based on theory and practicals as per real-time standards. Our trainers are professional web designers with vast experience in website design. We conduct both One-One Training and Group Training based on client's demand. Start your career in Web development with the basic front-end technology.
You will learn HTML5, CSS , JavaScript, Introduction to JQuery, WordPress, Introduction to Web Graphics Tools


Weekdays: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays | Time: 9am-2pm | One Month
Weekends: 6 Saturdays | Time: 10am-4pm

Upon successful completion of our Website Design Training, you'll set your path of becoming:
  • Web Developer
  • Web Programmer
  • Webmaster
  • Software Developer
  • Application Developer
  • PHP Developer

Diploma in Web Programming

Get equilp to become a web developer and start developing database technologies and server- side scripting for a full dynamic web site.

₦60,000.00 ₦ 45,000.00

Mobile App Development

This course provides the required knowledge and skills to design and build apps and solutions for mobile devices, including tablets and smart watches.

₦ 95,000.00₦ 75,000.00

Python Programming

Learn how to build, deploy and scale programs in Python as this training that covers everything from the fundamentals to deep-dive development.

₦ 75,000.00₦ 55,000.00